America's Best Employers for Women
Despite their growing presence in the workforce, women often face unequal opportunities, pay, and environment compared to their male...

ACL Injuries in the Women's World Cup
ACL injuries-- can be preventable. Female athletes are 3-6x more likely to sustain this type of injury Imagine if we had products such as...

A revered and powerful female leader revealed by new method to determine sex of old bones
When originally discovered, a 5000 year old skeleton was classified as male. Later, in 2021, with the help of a new molecular method, the...
Have you ever wanted to explore space or the deep seas or mountain tops on this beautiful planet?
Have you ever wanted to explore space or the deep seas or mountain tops on this beautiful planet? Tell us why! Please see my latest...
iGIANT, STAR HARBOR, and University of Oregon Announce Winner of Trainee Uniform Design Competition
iGIANT, STAR HARBOR, and the University of Oregon Sports Product Design MS program announce the winner of a challenge competition for...