Minutes – IGIANT
November 17, 2016
12:30 pm EST – 2:30 pm EST
Attendees: Phillip Rubin, Saralyn Mark, Charlene Shaya, Roberta Biegel (all attend via phone)
How does election affects us; should we interact
All the parties agree to engage in January during transition period and after inauguration. BPlan a briefing in March at White House OSTP and Cap Hill
8 Round Tables held in the first 18 months
Lori Hoffman – stepped down due to personal reasons
Need volunteers
Charlene volunteered Monarch Print (Charlene to follow up)
Website – Graphic designer needed
PD for volunteers posted – Everyone needs to circulate to find pro bono help
Roles and Responsibilities:
Phillip donated $500.00
Charlene volunteers to match Phillip
Outreach Committee: PR and fundraising
Strategic Initiatives Committee-convene after there is funding to develop metrics for other programs such as innovation prizes which could lead to an iGIANT seal of approval
Advisory Board - People who don’t want to be on board, but have contracts
All agree it’s good to have following committees:
Outreach – Fundraising and PR
Strategic Initiatives
Advisory Board
Other Board Member requirements:
Contribute $500.00 or bring in $500 from another source and/or
Provide ways to move IGIANT forward such as but not limited to:
Speaker opportunity
Media interview
Host a roundtable or find a host for a roundtable
Develop a power point presentation on iGIANT
Develop and/or maintain a website
Write an article/blog on iGIANT
Find an iGIANT volunteer
Grant writing.
In addition to these responsibilities, a board member will attend iGIANT-related events as possible and will participate in at least 3 board meetings.year with one meeting in person
For the Outreach Committee, it will be charged with helping with fundraising and PR opportunities. The group does not have financial nor fiscal responsibility and may have 1-3 teleconferences/year. The Chair of the iGIANT board will chair this group as well.
Phillip wants us to reach out to network people for money
PR and Outreach – Charlene to reach out to iHeart Media
*** All Agree***
Ways to do it
Board committed to fundraising
Try to develop a network and identify potential donors
Grant Writing (Potential sources):
Steve Case Foundation – N. Virginia
Markel Foundation – NYC
Arnold Foundation – Houston (John and Law)
Sloan Foundation
Jim Simons Foundation – Long Island, NYC
Updates of future plans:
9 more round tables on the horizon in 2017
University of Denver School of Engineering-Denver
Women's Leadership Inst-Chicago
Indiana University School of Medicine/Cook Medical-Indianapolis
Bigelow-Las Vegas
Transportation/AMWA – Detroit
Men's Health Foundation/Mogul.com-NYC
Yale VA/School of Design-New Haven
West Foundation-San Diego
List needed of potential board members All agree to assist with recruiting.